інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Mathematical modeling and computing
А - 2020 /
Випуск (2022, Vol. 9, Num. 4)
Sokil B. I., Pukach P. Ya., Senyk A. P., Sokil M. B., Andrukhiv A. I., Vovk M. I.
Asymptotic method and wave theory of motion in studying the effect of periodic impulse forces on systems characterized by longitudinal motion velocity
Sokil, B. I., Pukach, P. Ya., Senyk, A. P., Sokil, M. B., Andrukhiv, A. I., Vovk, M. I. (2022). Asymptotic method and wave theory of motion in studying the effect of periodic impulse forces on systems characterized by longitudinal motion velocity. Mathematical Modeling and Computing, 9 (4), 909-920. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001378980