Неорієнтовані графи виду змішаного лісу. Побудова ізоморфних аналогів та селективне пакування структури / Іванешкін О. І. (2023)

English  Cybernetics and Systems Analysis   /     Issue (2023, 59 (3))

Ivaneshkin A.I.
Undirected mixed-forest graphs. Construction of isomorphic analogs and selective structure packing

Methods and algorithms are developed that made it possible to significantly expand the functionality and practical application scope of the new universal information software technology being created. All of them are implemented in 32 software modules and are designed for the most efficient construction of isomorphic analogs of objects that are a variation of the arbitrary structure of undirected mixed-forest graphs, as well as for the simultaneous removal of selectively chosen sets of nodes and branches from them. To work efficiently on objects containing up to 65536 nodes, which can be placed at 6400 virtual X-levels of a monitor screen, the technology requires only 4 bytes of information on each node, taking into account its personal number, which is a natural number from the interval [0; 65535]. A method is developed and implemented that allows adapting the technology for working with objects with up to 4 1019 nodes that it can recognize. © 2023, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.

Keywords: graph tree, mixed forest, sapling, set of software tools, undirected tree, Undirected graphs, Efficient construction, Graph trees, Mixed forests, Sapling, Set of software tool, Software modules, Software technology, Software-tools, Structure packings, Undirected tree, Application programs

Download publication will be available after 07/01/2025 р., in 113 days

Ivaneshkin A.I. (2023). Undirected mixed-forest graphs. Construction of isomorphic analogs and selective structure packing. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 59 (3), 168–178. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-023-00585-z http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001402519 [In Ukrainian].


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