Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. 2010, 13 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 2010. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Efremov A. A., Lytvyn P. M., Anishchenko А. O., Dyachyns'ka O. M., Aleksyeyeva T. A., Prokopenko I. V. Nanoprobe spectroscopy of capillary forces and its application for a real surface diagnostics. - C. 111-124.
- Prudnikava A. L., Fedotova J. A., Kasiuk J. V., Shulitski B. G., Labunov V. A. Mossbauer spectroscopy investigation of magnetic nanoparticles incorporated into carbon nanotubes obtained by the injection CVD method. - C. 125-131.
- Dmitriev S. M., Dick V. P., Kostyuk N. N., Dick T. A., Loiko V. A. Experimental studies of light-wave phase shift by polymer dispersed liquid crystal films. - C. 132-136.
- Labunov V. A., Shulitski B. G., Prudnikava A. L., Shaman Y. P., Basaev A. S. Composite nanostructure of vertically aligned carbon nanotube array and planar graphite layer obtained by the injection CVD method. - C. 137-141.
- Osinsky V., Dyachenko O. Crystal lattice engineering the novel substrates for III-nitride-oxide heterostructures. - C. 142-144.
- Trofimov Yu. V., Lishik S. I., Posedko V. S., Tsvirko V. I., Pautino А. А. LED lighting. Creation and application peculiarities. - C. 145-150.
- Grytsenko K., Kolomzarov Yu., Lytvyn O., Doroshenko T., Strelchuk V. SERS of dye film deposited onto gold nano-clusters. - C. 151-153.
- Muravsky A. A., Agabekov V. E., Tolstik A. L., Mahilny U. V. Photoaligned liquid crystal lens with single low voltage electrode. - C. 154-157.
- Torgova S., Pozhidaev E., Lobanov A., Minchenko M., Khlebtsov B. Optical properties of nematic liquid crystal doped by gold nanorods. - C. 158-160.
- Misiuk A., Barcz A., Ulyashin A., Antonova I. V., Prujszczyk M. Hydrogen gettering in annealed oxygen-implanted silicon. - C. 161-165.
- Momot N., Zabudsky V., Tsybrii Z., Apats'ka M., Smoliy M., Dmytruk N. Zero bias terahertz and subterahertz detector operating at room temperature. - C. 166-169.
- Bushma A. V. Information security for optoelectronic ergatic system. - C. 170-172.
- Rybalochka A. Elimination of the data-dependent defects by doubling the frequency of driving signals for cholesteric LCDs. - C. 173-176.
- Grytsenko K., Doroshenko T., Kolomzarov Yu., Lytvyn O., Serik M., Tolmachev O., Slominski Yu., Schrader S. Growth and optical properties of dye films and dye-in-polymer matrix deposited by vacuum evaporation. - C. 177-179.
- Dmitruk N. L., Borkovskaya O. Yu., Havrylenko T. S., Naumenko D. O., Petrik P., Meza-Laguna V., Basiuk E. V. Effect of chemical modification of thin C60 fullerene films on the fundamental absorption edge. - C. 180-185.
- Timofeyev V. I., Faleyeva E. M. Model of heterotransistor with quantum dots. - C. 186-188.
- Bachinsky V. T., Ushenko Yu. O., Tomka Yu. Ya., Dubolazov O. V., Balanets'ka V. O., Karachevtsev A. V. Wavelet analysis for polarization maps of networks formed by liquid biological crystals in blood plasma: statistical and fractal approaches. - C. 189-201.
- Borkovska L. V., Stara T. R., Korsunska N. O., Pechers'ka К. Yu., Germash L. P., Bondarenko V. O. Effect of thermal annealing on the luminescent characteristics of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot heterostructure. - C. 202-208.
- Fodchuk І. М., Dovganyuk V. V., Litvinchuk Т. V., Kladko V. P., Slobodian М. V., Gudymenko O. Yo., Swiatek Z. Structural changes in Cz-Si single crystals irradiated with high-energy electrons from data of high-resolution X-ray diffractometry. - C. 209-213.
- Boiko I. I. Band carriers scattering on impurities. - C. 214-220.
- Sukach A. V., Tetyorkin V. V., Krolevec N. M. Mechanisms of carrier transport in CdTe polycrystalline films. - C. 221-225.
- On the 60-year jubille of Machulin Volodymyr Fedorovych Academican of NAS of Ukraine. - C. 226-227.