Ukrainian journal of physics. 2020, 65 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2020. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Diachenko M., Novak O., Kholodov R., Fomina A. Electron-positron pair photoproduction in a strong magnetic field through the polarization cascade. - C. 187-195.
- Navozenko O. M., Yashchuk V. M., Piryatinski Yu. P., Gudeika D., Naumenko A. P., Slominskii Yu. L. The peculiarities of singlet electronic excitation energy transfer processes in Alq3 films. - C. 196-204.
- Lyashenko I. A., Liashenko Z. M. Influence of tangential displacement on the adhesion force between gradient materials. - C. 205-216.
- Magner A. G., Gorenstein M. I., Grygoriev U. V. Velocity and absorption coefficient of sound waves in classical gases. - C. 217-224.
- Huseynov J. I., Hasanov Kh. A., Jafarov T. A., Abbasov I. I. Compensating effect of terbium impurity on the conductivity of TbxSn1 – xSe solid solutions. - C. 225-230.
- Studenyak I. P., Kranjčec M., Izai V. Yu., Studenyak V. I., Pop M. M., Suslikov L. M. Ellipsometric and spectrometric studies of (Ga0.2In0.8)2Se3 thin film. - C. 231-235.
- Rudenko R. M., Voitsihovska O. O., Voitovych V. V., Kras’ko M. M., Kolosyuk A. G., Povarchuk V. Yu., Rudenko M. P., Knorozok L. M. Formation of nanocrystalline silicon in tin-doped amorphous silicon films. - C. 236-246.
- Bilanych B. V., Shylenko O., Latyshev V. M., Feher A., Bilanych V. S., Rizak V. M., Komanicky V. Interaction of chalcogenide As4Se96 films with electron beam when used as electronic resists. - C. 247-253.
- Yeshchenko O. A., Bartenev A. O., Naumenko A. P., Kutsevol N. V., Harahuts Iu. I., Marinin A. I. Laser-driven aggregation in dextran–graft–PNIPAM/silver nanoparticles hybrid nanosystem: plasmonic effects. - C. 254-267.
- Talla J. A. Electronic properties of doped wurtzite ZnO: density functional theory. - C. 268-273.