Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. 2017, 20 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 2017. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Sabov T. M., Oberemok O. S., Dubikovskyi O. V., Melnik V. P., Kladko V. P., Romanyuk B. M., Popov V. G., Gudymenko O. Yo., Safriuk N. V. Oxygen ion-beam modification of vanadium oxide films for reaching a high value of the resistance temperature coefficient. - C. 153-158.
- Dovbeshko G. I., Gnatyuk O. P., Karakhim S. O., Doroshenko T. P., Romanyuk V. R. Surface enhanced imaging and IR spectroscopy of the biological cells on the nanostructured gold film. - C. 159-167.
- Borblik V. L. Concerning the depletion width of a radial p-n junction and its influence on electrical properties of the diode. - C. 168-172.
- Kukhtaruk N. I., Zabudsky V. V., Shevchik-Shekera A. V., Mikhailov N. N., Sizov F. F. In–HgCdTe–In structures with symmetric nonlinear I–V characteristics for sub-THz direct detection. - C. 173-178.
- Steblova O. V., Fedorenko L. L., Evtukh A. A. Nanostructuring the SiOx layers by using laser-induced self-organization. - C. 179-184.
- Poperenko L. V., Rozouvan S. G., Shaykevich I. A. London forces in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. - C. 185-190.
- Bacherikov Yu. Yu., Zhuk A. G., Kurichka R. V., Okhrimenko O. B., Gilchuk A. V., Shcherbyna O. V., Herkalyuk M. V. Luminescent properties of fine-dispersed self-propagating high-temperature synthesized ZnS:Cu,Mg. - C. 191-194.
- Borblik V. L., Shwarts Yu. M., Shwarts M. M., Aleinikov A. B. New evidence of the hopping nature of the excess tunnel current in heavily doped silicon p-n diodes at cryogenic temperatures. - C. 195-198.
- Dyakonenko N. L., Lykah V. A., Sinelnik A. V., Korzh I. A., Bilozertseva V. I. Nanostructure of amorphous films. - C. 199-203.
- Eladl Sh. M., Saad M. H. Analysis of a quantum well structure optical integrated device. - C. 204-209.
- Kruglenko P. M. Impact of traps on current-voltage characteristic of n+-n-n+ diode. - C. 210-216.
- Malanych G. P. Polishing etchant compositions for the chemical treatment of the PbTe and Pb1–xSnxTe solid solutions single crystals and methods for their processing. Review. - C. 217-223.
- Matveeva L. A., Venger E. F., Kolyadina E. Yu., Neluba P. L. Quantum-size effects in semiconductor heterosystems. - C. 224-230.
- Milenin G. V., Milenin V. V., Redko R. A. High-frequency electromagnetic radiation of germanium crystals in magnetic fields. - C. 231-234.
- Rudko G. Yu. Novel concepts of negative-n optics in master’s level educational courses. - C. 235-239.
- Styopkin V. I., Liakhovetskyi V., Rudenko V. Using nanosphere lithography for fabrication of a multilayered system of ordered gold nanoparticles. - C. 240-245.
- Studenyak I. P., Kutsyk M. M., Bendak A. V., Izai V. Yu., Kus P., Mikula M. Influence of X-ray irradiation on the optical absorption edge and refractive index dispersion in Cu6PS5I-based thin films deposited using magnetron sputtering. - C. 246-249.
- Vakhnyak N. D., Lotsko O. P., Budzulyak S. I., Demchyna L. A., Korbutyak D. V., Konakova R. V., Red’ko R. A., Okhrimenko O. B., Berezovska N. I. Transformation of impurity-defect centers in single crystals CdTe: Cl under the influence of microwaves. - C. 250-253.
- Osinsky V., Masol I., Lyahova N., Suhoviy N., Onachenko M., Osinsky A. Some new technology aspects for quantum enestor through A3B5 multicomponent nanoepitaxy. - C. 254-258.
- Iliash S. A., Hyrka Yu. V., Kondratenko S. V., Lysenko V. S., Kozyrev Yu. M., Lendel V. V. Relaxation of photovoltage in ITO-Ge-Si heterojunction with Ge nanostructured thin films. - C. 259-261.
- Khrypunov G. S., Kopach G. I., Harchenko M. M., Dobrozhan A. І. The influence of physical and technological magnetron sputtering modes on the structure and optical properties of CdS and CdTe films. - C. 262-267.