Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. 2016, 19 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 2016. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Ponomaryov S. S., Yukhymchuk V. O., Valakh M. Ya. Drift correction of the analyzed area during the study of the lateral elemental composition distribution in single semiconductor nanostructures by scanning Auger microscopy. - C. 321-327.
- Bortchagovsky E. G., Vasin A. V., Lytvyn P. M., Tiagulskyi S. I., Slobodyan A. M., Verovsky I. N., Strelchuk V. V., Stubrov Yu., Nazarov A. N. Direct synthesized graphene-like film on SiO2: Mechanical and optical properties. - C. 328-333.
- Sachenko A. V., Kostylyov V. P., Vlasiuk V. M., Sokolovskyi I. O., Evstigneev M. The influence of the exciton non-radiative recombination in silicon on the photoconversion efficiency. 1. The case of a long Shockley–Read–Hall lifetime. - C. 334-342.
- Pusenkova A. S., Marchylo О. N., Zavyalova L. V., Golovina I. S., Svechnikov S. V., Snopok B. А. SrTiO3:Eu3+ phosphors prepared by sol-gel synthesis: Structural characterization, magnetic properties and luminescence spectroscopy study. - C. 343-351.
- Rudko G. Yu., Kovalenko S. A., Gule E. G., Bobyk V. V., Solomakha V. M., Bogoslovskaya A. B. Comparison of the synthesis routes for the ZnO/porous silica nanocomposite. - C. 352-357.
- Lopatynskyi A. M., Lytvyn V. K., Mogylnyi I. V., Rachkov O. E., Soldatkin O. P., Chegel V. I. Smart nanocarriers for drug delivery: controllable LSPR tuning. - C. 358-365.
- Romanets P. M., Belyaev A. E., Sachenko А. V., Boltovets N. S., Basanets V. V., Konakova R. V., Slipokurov V. S., Khodin А. А., Pilipenko V. А., Shynkarenko V. V. Theoretical and experimental modelling the specific resistance of vertical ohmic contacts Au–Ti–Pd–n+-n-n+-Si in IMPATT diodes. - C. 366-370.
- Studenyak I. P., Kranjcec M., Kutsyk M. M., Pal Yu. O., Neimet Yu. Yu., Izai V. Yu., Makauz I. I., Cserhati C., Kokenyesi S. Compositional studies of optical parameters in (Ag3AsS3)x(As2S3)1–x (x = 0.3; 0.6; 0.9) thin films. - C. 371-376.
- Shportko K. V. How the phosphorus chains impact on the vibrational properties of diphosphides ZnP2 and CdP2 at low temperatures. - C. 377-383.
- Boichuk V. I., Leshko R. Ya., Holskyi V. B., Karpyn D. S. Optical spectra of small CdS nanocrystals. - C. 384-390.
- Makhniy V. P., Vakhnyak N. D., Kinzerska O. V., Senko I. M. Influence of ytterbium impurity on luminescent properties of ZnSe/Al/ crystals. - C. 391-394.
- Kavetskyy T. S. Long-term radiation-induced optical darkening effects in chalcogenide glasses. - C. 395-398.
- Kovalchuk O. V., Kopcansky P., Timko M., Studenyak I. P., Kovalchuk T. M. The non-linear dependence of 6СНВТ liquid crystal conductivity on the concentration of gold nanoparticles. - C. 399-403.
- Ushenko A. G., Dubolazov A. V., Ushenko V. A., Ushenko Yu. A., Sakhnovskiy M. Yu., Gorsky M. P. Azimuthally invariant Mueller-matrix methods in the diagnosis of liver disease. - C. 404-414.
- Ushenko A. G., Dubolazov A. V., Ushenko V. A., Ushenko Yu. A., Sakhnovskiy M. Yu., Pidkamin L. Y., Balazyuk V. N. Interconnection between phase and amplitude parameters with anisotropy of Muller-matrix invariants. - C. 415-420.
- Ushenko A. G., Dubolazov A. V., Ushenko V. A., Ushenko Yu. A., Sakhnovskiy M. Yu., Olar O. V., Motrich A. V., Angelsky P. O., Gorsky M. P. Brief description of laser polarimetry microscopy methods of optically anisotropic biological layers. - C. 421-426.
- Kruglenko I. V. Polyvinylcarbazole films: Applications for chemical sensors. - C. 427-429.
- Author Index. - C. 430-439.
- Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement. - C. 440.