Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. 2019, 22 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 2019. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Від Редактора. - C. 138.
- Boiko I. I. Influence of inter-electron scattering on the form of non-equilibrium distribution function of band carriers. - C. 139-149.
- Akinlami J. O., Onyeanu F. C. Electronic and optical properties of ОІ-HgS. - C. 150-155.
- Nykyruy L. I., Naidych B. P., Voznyak O. M., Parashchuk T. O., Ilnytskyi R. V. Account of surface contribution to thermodynamic properties of lead selenide films. - C. 156-164.
- Uteniyazov A. K., Ismailov K. A. Effect of ultrasound treatment on the electro-physical properties of the structure of Al-Al2O3-p-CdTe. - C. 165-170.
- Lazur V. Yu., Aleksiy V. V., Karbovanets M. I., Khoma M. V., Myhalyna S. I. Taking the Coulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron charge exchange. - C. 171-181.
- Izai V. Yu., Luchynets M. M., Studenyak I. P., Pogodin A. I., Kokhan O. P., Rajnak M., Timko M., Kopcansky P. Preparation and electrical properties of composites based on (Cu6PS5I)1-x(Cu7PS6)x mixed crystals. - C. 182-187.
- Sapaev I. B., Sapaev B., Babajanov D. B. Current-voltage characteristics of the injection photodiode based on M(In)-nCdS-pSi-M(In) structure. - C. 188-192.
- Kudryk Ya. Ya., Slipokurov V. S. Influence of parameters inherent to ohmic contacts on properties of microwave avalanche transit-time diodes. - C. 193-200.
- Borblik V. L. Electrostatics of the nanowire radial p-i-n diode. - C. 201-205.
- Neimash V. B., Nikolenko A. S., Strelchuk V. V., Shepeliavyi P. Ye., Litvinchuk P. M., Melnyk V. V., Olhovik I. V. Formation of nanocrystals and their properties during tin induced and laser light stimulated crystallization of amorphous silicon. - C. 206-214.
- Hreshchuk O. M., Yukhymchuk V. O., Dzhagan V. M., Danko V. A., Min'ko V. I., Indutnyi I. Z., Shepeliavyi P. Ye., Lytvyn P. M., Sheregii E., Prokhorenko S. Efficient SERS substrates based on laterally ordered gold nanostructures made using interference lithography. - C. 215-223.
- Poperenko L. V., Rozouvan S. G. Features of third-order optical nonlinearity in carbon disulfide. - C. 224-230.
- Bogoslovskaya A. B., Grynko D. O., Bortchagovsky E. G., Gudymenko O. I. Luminescent analysis of the quality of CdS nanocrystals depending on technological parameters. - C. 231-236.
- Korotyeyev V. V., Lyaschuk Yu. M., Kochelap V. A., Varani L., Coquillat D., Danylyuk S., Brose S., Vitusevich S. A. Interaction of sub-terahertz radiation with low-doped grating-based AlGaN/GaN plasmonic structures. Time-domain spectroscopy measurements and electrodynamic modeling. - C. 237-251.
- Larin V. Yu., Ryzhykh V. M., Shcherban A. P., Markina O. M., Maslov V. P., Kachur N. V. Use of the infrared thermography method to develop discharging rules for lithium polymer batteries. - C. 252-256.
- Kochelap V. O. Introduction to nanoelectronics and optoelectronics: Science, Nanotechnology, Engineering and application (lectures 3 and 4). - C. 257-258.
- For contributors to SPQEO. - C. 259-260.