Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. 2016, 19 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 2016. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Parphenyuk P. V., Evtukh A. A. Lowering the density of dislocations in heteroepitaxial III-nitride layers: Effect of sapphire substrate treatment (review). - C. 1-8.
- Bratus O. L., Evtukh A. A., Steblova O. V., Prokopchuk V. M. Electron transport through nanocomposite SiO2(Si) films containing Si nanocrystals. - C. 9-13.
- Milenin G. V., Red'ko R. A. Physical mechanisms and models of the long-term transformations in radiative recombination observed in n-GaAs under microwave irradiation. - C. 14-22.
- Pekar G. S., Singaevsky А. А., Singaevsky А. F. Аutomated method for determining the etch pits density on crystallographic planes of large semiconductor crystals. - C. 23-27.
- Fitio V. M., Romakh V. V., Bobitski Ya. V. Search of mode wavelengths in planar waveguides by using the wave equation Fourier transform method. - C. 28-33.
- Konoreva O. V., Lytovchenko M. V., Malyi Ye. V., Olikh Ya. M., Petrenko I. V., Pinkovska M. B., Tartachnyk V. P. Acoustic-stimulated relaxation of GaAs1–хPх LEDs electroluminescence intensity. - C. 34-38.
- Baranskii P. I., Gaidar G. P. Features of tensoresistance in single crystals of germanium and silicon with different dopants. - C. 39-43.
- Kulish M. R., Litvinova V. M., Malysh M. I., Sokolovskyi I. O. Temperature effect on light polarization in uniaxial crystals. - C. 44-46.
- Kotov M. M., Kurashov V. N., Goloborodko A. A. Speckle pattern formation in spatially limited optical systems. - C. 47-51.
- Sologub S. V., Bordenyuk I. V., Kanash O. V., Amirov R. H. Increasing the specularity of surface scattering of conduction electrons caused by adsorption of a hydrogen monolayer on the W(110) surface. - C. 52-56.
- Rozouvan T. S., Poperenko L. V., Kravets V. G., Shaykevich I. A. Optical properties of graphene film growing on a thin copper layer. - C. 57-61.
- Vlaskina S. I., Mishinova G. N., Vlaskin V. I., Rodionov V. E., Svechnikov G. S. Peculiarities of photoluminescence spectra behavior in SiC crystals and films during phase transformations. - C. 62-66.
- Sachenko A. V., Kostylyov V. P., Gerasymenko M. V., Korkishko R. M., Kulish M. R., Slipchenko M. I., Sokolovskyi I. O., Chernenko V. V. Analysis of the silicon solar cells efficiency. Type of doping and level optimization. - C. 67-74.
- Iliash S. A., Kondratenko S. V., Yakovliev A. S., Kunets V. P., Mazur Yu. I., Salamo G. J. Thermally stimulated conductivity in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wire heterostructures. - C. 75-78.
- Studenyak I. P., Bendak A. V., Izai V. Yu., Guranich P. P., Kus P., Mikula M., Grancic B., Zahoran M., Gregus J., Vincze A. Electrical and optical parameters of Cu6PS5I-based thin films deposited using magnetron sputtering. - C. 79-83.
- Khrystosenko R. V. Optimization of surface plasmon resonance based biosensor for clinical diagnosis of the Epstein–Barr herpes virus disease. - C. 84-89.
- Synhaivska O. I., Lytvyn P. M., Yaremiy I. P., Kotsyubynsky A. O., Kozub V. V., Solnstev V. S., Prokopenko I. V. Microanalysis of magnetic structure of yttrium-iron garnet films by scanning probe microscopy methods. - C. 90-97.
- Bletskan D. I., Glukhov K. E., Frolova V. V. Electronic structure of 2H-SnSe2: ab initio modeling and comparison with experiment. - C. 98-108.
- Iarmolenko D. A., Belyaev A. E., Kiselov V. S. Carbon ceramics from plants: Graphitization of biomorphic matrixes. - C. 109-115.
- Ievtukh V. A., Ulyanov V. V., Nazarov A. N. The charge trapping/emission processes in silicon nanocrystalline nonvolatile memory assisted by electric field and elevated temperatures. - C. 116-123.
- Information for contributors. - C. 124.
- Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement. - C. 127.