Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. 2012, 15 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 2012. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Gomeniuk Yu. V. Determination of interface state density in high-k dielectric-silicon system from conductance-frequency measurements. - C. 1-7.
- Sarikov A., Naseka V. Characteristics of gettering process in multicrystalline Si wafers with combined porous Si/Al getters. - C. 8-12.
- Bacherikov Yu. Yu., Boltovets N. S., Konakova R. V., Kolyadina E. Yu., Ledn'ova T. M., Okhrimenko O. B. Interface features of SiO2/SiC heterostructures according to methods for producing the SiO2 thin films. - C. 13-16.
- Jivani A. R., Jani A. R. Phase diagrams of Si1-xGex solid solution: a theoretical approach. - C. 17-20.
- Taqi A., Diouri J. Binding energy of excitons in parabolic quantum wells in uniform electric and magnetic fields. - C. 21-25.
- Gaidar G. P. Influence of -irradiation (60Со) on the concentration and mobility of carriers in Ge and Si single crystals of n-type. - C. 26-31.
- Vakiv M., Golovchak R., Chalyy D., Shpotyuk M., Ubizskii S., Shpotyuk O. Peculiarities of valence band formation in As-Ge-Se semiconductor glasses. - C. 32-35.
- Rosul R. R., Guranich P. P., Gomonnai O. O., Slivka A. G., Rigan M. Yu., Rubish V. M., Guranich O. G., Gomonnai A. V. Dielectric properties of TlIn(S1-xSex)2 polycrystals near phase transitions. - C. 35-37.
- Kovalyuk Z. D., Duplavyy V. Y., Sydor O. M. Investigation of InS-InSe heterojunctions prepared using sulphurization of p-InSe. - C. 38-40.
- Borschak V. A., Brytavskyi Ie. V., Smyntyna V. A., Lepikh Ya. I., Balaban A. P., Zatovskaya N. P. Influence of internal parameters on the signal value in optical sensor based on the non-ideal heterostructure CdS-Cu2S. - C. 41-43.
- Dmitriev M. V., Isaienko O. Iu., Ivanisik А. І., Korotkov P. A. Experimental and theoretical study of stimulated Raman scattering indicatrix asymmetry. - C. 44-47.
- Korovin A. V. Ultrafast light-matter interaction in transparent medium . - C. 48-54.
- Osinsky V. I., Masol I. V., Lyahova N. N., Deminsky P. V. Carbides of A3B5 compounds - new class materials for opto- and microelectronics. - C. 55-60.
- Dmitruk N. L., Borkovskaya O. Yu., Naumenko D. O., Havrylenko T. S., Basiuk E., Shpilevsky E. M. Effect of nanosize metal overlayer on C60 thin film optical parameters near fundamental absorption edge. - C. 61-64.
- Sizov F. F., Smirnov A. B., Savkina R. K., Deriglazov V. A., Yakushev M. V. Narrow-gap piezoelectric heterostructure as IR detector. - C. 65-71.
- Sghaier H., Bouzaiene L., Sfaxi L., Maaref H. A novel Al0. 33Ga0. 67As/In0. 15Ga0. 85As/GaAs quantum well Hall device grown on (111) GaAs). - C. 72-76.
- Ermakov V. M., Kolomoets V. V., Panasyuk L. I., Nazarchuk P. F, Yashchynskyi L. V. Contribution of f- and g- transitions to electron intervalley scattering of n-Si at temperatures 300 to 450 K. - C. 77-79.
- Lozovski V., Lysenko V., Spivak M., Sterligov V. Interaction between viral particles and structured metal surface under surface plasmon propagation. - C. 80-82.
- Felinskyi S. G., Korotkov P. A., Felinskyi G. S. Negative dielectric permittivity of nonmagnetic crystals in the terahertz waveband. - C. 83-88.